Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has instructed for regular meetings of district magistrates, district police heads, chief medical officers and Municipal Corporation officers including others to control the infection of Covid-19.

He said that Corona infection can be contained by making effective work plan.

The Chief Minister was reviewing a high level meeting on Covid 19 situation here today.

The Chief Minister said that by door to door medical survey, contact tracing , effective surveillance and more Rapid Antigen testing, the Covid death rate can be decreased effectively.

After getting 2,250 new cases ,the total number of Corona cases in a state has reached 50,351.

Additional chief secretary Health Amit Mohan Prasad while addressing media at Lucknow today said that there are 18,256 active cases in state.

He said that 29,845 patient have got cured and discharged from hospitals and 1,146 patients lost their life due to Covid19.

392 new cases were detected in Lucknow district during the last 24 hours.

In Kanpur Nagar district 168 new cases were found followed by 125 in GautamBudh Nagar, 104 in Jhansi and 100 Prayagraj.

Meanwhile Additional Chief secretary Home Awanish Awasthi said that restrictions in wake of Covid 19 are being strictly followed and as of now 1,21, 948 FIRs have been lodged booking 2,78, 209 people under section 188 in state since start of lockdown.

63,832 vehicles have been seized for violating the restriction rules.
