UN HQSUnited Nations has warned of fresh fighting in South Sudan, after days of deadly gun battles that have sent thousands fleeing and sparked the evacuation of foreign nationals. A fragile ceasefire appeared to be holding in the capital Juba after a sudden flare-up in fighting last week. But UN peacekeeping chief Herve Ladsous told the Security Council that the situation is still precarious in the country.

Meanwhile, US President Barack Obama has announced the deployment of 47 troops to protect the US embassy and its staff. Mr Obama yesterday said that 130 more personnel were positioned in Djibouti, ready to deploy, if necessary.

Germany and Italy said they were evacuating their nationals and other foreigners, although commercial flights were not expected to resume until today.

Around 200 people, including the hundred or so Germans living in South Sudan, were evacuated to Uganda by the German Air Force. Residents from Britain, France Australia, the United States, Poland and other countries were also on the German flights, including three Chinese UN peacekeepers.

UN said, around 36,000 people had fled their homes for the perceived safety of UN bases and aid agency compounds since the unrest erupted on Friday.