Top American counter-terrorism and South Asian experts have expressed outrage over the release of 26/11 Mumbai attacks mastermind Hafiz Saeed.

Expressing his outrage over the release, Bruce Riedel, a top US expert on security, South Asia, and counter-terrorism told an agency that It is time to rescind Pakistan’s status as a major non-NATO ally.

Alyssa Ayres, a former State Department official and currently with the Council on Foreign Relations after Lahore High Court ordered Saeed be set free that in a word, the release is an outrage.

She said Saeed is a UN-sanctioned individual terrorist who leads a UN-sanctioned terrorist organisation and alleged that Pakistan does not see fit to follow through on its obligations to uphold UN Security Council terrorist designations.

Ayres said Pakistan cannot credibly claim to be fighting terrorism while failing its most basic security obligation to UNSC designations.