Telangana government has launched the 10th phase of Rythu Bandhu, the investment support scheme for farmers. Under this phase, 7,676 crores will be deposited in the bank accounts of over 70 lakh 54 thousand farmers towards investment support for the Rabi crop season.

State Finance minister, T. Harish Rao said on the first day over 607 crore rupees was deposited in the accounts of over 21 farmers holding up to one acre of land. The investment support is being disbursed at a rate of 5000 rupees per acre. Farmers holding up to two acres of land will receive the money on today and those owning up to three acres will get the money in their accounts on Friday.

Officials informed that assistance for 1.53 crore acres will be provided during this season. Through the Rythu Bandhu scheme, the state government is providing crop investment to the farmers at the rate of ten thousand rupees per acre for both Kharif and Rabi seasons.