India’s External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj has been named as one of 15 Global Thinkers. Compiled by the Foreign Policy magazine, Ms Swaraj is named in the decision-makers category for fashioning a novel brand of Twitter diplomacy.
After taking office, the Minister has tirelessly not only responded to tweets seeking help but also took prompt action to ensure people’s problems are solved. She even worked for the public while ailing and from the hospital room.
The external affairs minister has helped both Indians and non-Indians, from evacuating people from Yemen to helping replace lost passports. Ms Swaraj is in the august company of 14 other notable thinkers including Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel and Justin Trudeau.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has congratulate Mrs Swaraj. In a tweet, Mr Modi said, he is proud to see the hardworking External Affairs Minister in the list of the Foreign Policy Global Thinkers. Mrs Swaraj underwent a kidney transplant four days ago and yesterday she was moved out of the Intensive Care Unit. According to doctors she is recovering well.