The first meeting of the Committee appointed by the Supreme Court to deliberate with concerned stakeholders on recently notified three Farm Laws, was held yesterday.
Former Chairman of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices Dr. Ashok Gulati, President of Shetkari Sanghatana Anil Ghanwat and Former Director for South Asia,
International Food Policy Research Institute Dr. Pramod Joshi participated in the meeting and discussed the roadmap of activities for the Committee for two months to prepare their recommendations after discussion with farmers, farmers’ bodies, farmers’ unions and other stakeholders.
Addressing the media, Mr Ghanwat said, as per the direction of the Supreme Court, the Committee will hold discussion with farmers and farmers’ bodies in the country who are both pro and against the Farm Laws. The Committee will also hold discussions with State Governments, State Marketing Boards and other stakeholders such as Farmer Producer Organizationsand Cooperatives.
The Committee will soon send invitations to the farmer unions and associations to discuss their views on Farm Laws. Even individual farmers can submit their views on the portal to be notified soon. The Committee is keen to understand the opinion on the subject of all concerned so that it can give suggestions which will definitely be in the interests of the farmers of India.