Sports Ministry has decided to name all upcoming and upgraded sporting facilities of the Sports Authority of India, after renowned athletes, who have contributed to sports in India. In the first leg, the newly built air-conditioned wrestling hall and the learners swimming pool in the National Centre of Excellence, NOCE in Lucknow, the 100-bedded hostel in NCOE Bhopal, the multipurpose hall and Girls’ hostel in NCOE Sonepat will be named after local star sportspersons.
Speaking about the decision, Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju said, to build a sports culture in the country, it is important that our sportspersons get the honour that they deserve. He said, the government is already providing all support to present and even past athletes to ensure that they have a life of comfort and dignity. Acknowledging their contribution to sports by naming sporting facilities after them is yet another endeavour of the Government to strengthen its commitment to sportspersons.