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India’s willingness to further strengthening bilateral relations, mutual understanding, and cooperation between the two countries at various levels. She especially stressed the need of interaction between Parliamentarians and relevant institutions of the two countries.

Speaker and her delegation comprising  Shreegopal Vyas, Dr. M Jagannath, Dr. Ravindra Kumar Pandey and  Sanjay Dinanath Patil, all Members of Parliament;  T. K. Viswanathan, Secretarty General, Lok Sabha  besides senior officials, visited both Chambers of the Mexican Congress and interacted with their Presidents, Sr.Manlio Fabio Beltrones Rivera of the Senate, and Sr.Jorge Carlos Ramirez Marin of the Cámara de Diputados, and other distinguished members. Ambassador of India to Mexico, H.E.Mr.Dinesh K Jain also accompanied her.

In their visit to the Senate, they started with a meeting with Mesa Directiva led by Sr.Beltrones, followed by detailed discussions with the Senate Foreign Relations Commission of Asia-Pacific, led by its President Senador Carlos Jimenez Maciaso. Speaker was greeted by the full Senate in session, giving her a rousing welcome and a standing ovation.

The Speaker and her delegation later visited the Chamber of Deputies, where she was welcomed by its President Dip.Ramirez, and her discussions with him were followed by further discussions with the Foreign Relations Commission President Dip.Porfirio Muñoz Ledo, as well as with Dip.Francisco Alberto Jiménez Merino, Chairman of Mexico-India Friendship Group in the Camera de Diputados.

Both sides acknowledged that these discussions were most useful in advancing the visit objectives of further strengthening bilateral goodwill, warm friendly relations, mutual understanding, and cooperation between the two countries at various levels.

The Speaker and her delegation earlier started the day with a visit to the Mahatma Gandhi Monument, Chapultepec, where she and the delegation paid floral tributes to Mahatma Gandhi. Those present also included, among many others, Sr.Felipe Leal, Secretario of Urban Development and Hosing of the Government of Distrito federal, Dr.Sudarshan Iyengar, Vice Chancellor (Rector) of Gujarat Vidyapith, a University in Ahmedabad, India, founded by Gandhi himself about eight decades ago, Dr.Alatriste, Director, UNAM, and Ms. Sonia Deotto of Ora World  Mandala along with her volunteers who played on Sitar the favourite hymns of Gandhi.

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