Saudi Arabia has said that it is committed to meet India’s energy security needs and will work constructively with other oil producers to maintain market stability notwithstanding the biggest-ever attacks on its oil facilities.
Saudi Ambassador Dr.Saud bin Mohammed Al Sati, in an interview to new agency in New Delhi, said his country will invite the United Nations and international experts to viewthe situation on the ground and to participate in the investigation into theattacks.
The Ambassador said, Saudi Arabia hasthe capability and resolve to defend itself and to forcefully respond to theaggressions, and appreciated New Delhi’s support and solidarity to Riyadhfollowing the strikes which, he asserted, were against the internationalcommunity as a whole.
Asked whether Saudi Arabia willincrease oil supply to India to address the shortfall due to curb on import ofoil from Iran, the envoy said, his country is committed to India’s energysecurity and will meet any shortfall that may arise due to disruptions fromother sources.