Sanjay Dutt has received the golden visa for the UAE. The actor shared the news on Twitter. Sanjay Dutt took to Twitter on Wednesday and revealed that he has received the golden visa for the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Sharing a picture with the passport in his hand, Sanjay was seen posing with major general Mohammed Al Marri, director general of General Directorate Of Residency and Foreigners Affairs in Dubai (GDRFA) Dubai. “Honoured to have received a golden visa for the UAE in the presence of Major General Mohammed Al Marri, Director General of @GDRFADUBAI. Thanking him along with the @uaegov for the honour. Also grateful to Mr. Hamad Obaidalla, COO of @flydubai for his support,” he tweeted.
The golden visa is a 10-year-long residency permit. It was first announced for investors and businessmen in 2019 by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, vice president, Prime Minister and ruler of Dubai. In 2020, the eligibility broadened to cover those with specialised degrees, doctors, scientists and others.