Abhijit Roy Choowdhury

NEW DELHI: So moved by the elephant deaths in the Simlipal Tiger Forest Reserve in the state, Minister of environment and forest Jairam Ramesh  is planning to visit the Tiger Forest after the end of parliament session. 
The visit will be some time first week of September. Recently elephant deaths in the Simlipal Tiger Reserve was caused due to electrocution.
After the elephant death ministry has constituted committee to look into and suggest preventive and ameliorative measures to address the same.
The Chief Wildlife Warden (CWLW), Orissa, has recently submitted a report to the Ministry of Environment and Forests which has confirmed the death of 6 Elephants.
Of these 4 deaths have been recorded in the core area of the Simlipal Tiger Reserve while the other 2 deaths were reported to have occurred in the buffer area.
The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) had also constituted an independent team consisting of Shri Biswajit Mohanty and Ms Belinda Wright to ascertain the factual status of the conservation and protection measurs currently in place at the Simlipal