MYSORE (AMN): Despite stern warning from the government, the activists of infamous Sri Rama Sene continue to go on rampage and play moral policing. On Saturday night its activists barged into a pub and restaurant here and ransacked the bar and abused its occupants, including women.
However police acted  swiftly on the complaint from the hotel management, and arrested four men said to be Sene active members, including its district convener Sanjay. Others in custody are Somashekar, Raja and Raju. The police are on hunt for the other accused in the case.

The incident happened at the Hotel Adhi Manor around midnight when the group suddenly entered the pub and began ransacking it. They abused the occupants of the pub and chased them out, shouting slogans. The men also tried to teased a few women present there.

In their police statement, the Sene activists the accused hotel owner of keeping the pub open illegally  till midnight everyday.