Punjab’s Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann has launched ‘Hope Initiative‘ against substance abuse! A month-long campaign started yesterday, Oct 18 with a prayer ceremony at Harminder Sahib. It will unite 35,000 kids for a drug-free Punjab. ‘Pray, Pledge, and Play’ – igniting change.
The Ardas for the success of this mission was performed in the premises of Sri Harmandir Sahib.
Led by Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann, thousands of youth from across the state participated in Ardaas at Sri Harmandir Sahib to make the state completely drug-free.
These youth wearing yellow turbans, patkas and duppatas, prayed to the almighty to give strength to them for fulfilling this sacred mission aimed at wiping out the curse of drugs from this border state. This anti-drug ‘Hope Initiative’ has been embarked with a three fold strategy of Pray, Pledge, and Play which is first of its kind mass movement against drugs to break the backbone of this menace.