Puducherry is celebrating Gujarat and Maharastra Diwas on 1st may 2023. Hosting the celebrations at Rajnivas Lt. Governor of Puducherry Dr.Tamilisai Soundararajan said unity among diversity is the driving force for the unity of the nation and the country is united by the feelings of Indians. She said, language, culture and border might have divided but ultimately the nation is are one. The Lt. Governor said celebrations of state foundation days are to show the fraternity among states.
She also complimented Prime Minister Narendra Modi for having conducted Kashi Tamil Sangamam and Sourashtra Tamil Sangamam recently. She said, these kinds of programmes would further strengthen the unity among people of various states.
On the occasion, residents of Gujarat and Maharashtra presented unique songs and dance programmes. The Lt.Governor joined hands with Gujarat dancers in Dandiya dance and hosted breakfast with state specific diets.