Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be on a two day visit to Rajasthan and Karnataka from Sunday. On 12th February, the Prime Minister will reach Dausa at around 3 PM to lay the foundation stone and dedicate to the nation road development projects worth over 18,100 crore rupees. He will dedicate Delhi-Dausa- Lalsot section of Delhi Mumbai Expressway to the Nation. Operationalization of this section will reduce the travel time from Delhi to Jaipur from 5 hours to around 3.5 hours and provide a big boost to economic development of the entire region.The 246 kilometer section has been developed at a cost of more than 12 thousand 150 crore rupees.
During the programme, Prime Minister will also lay the foundation stone of 247 kilometres of National Highway projects to be developed at a cost of more than 5 thousand 940 crore rupees.
Next day at around 9.30 AM, Prime Minister Modi will inaugurate the 14th edition of Aero India 2023 at Air Force Station, Yelahanka in Bengaluru. The theme of Aero India 2023 is “The Runway to a Billion Opportunities’.
In line with the Prime Minister’s vision of ‘Make in India, Make for the World’, the event will focus on displaying indigenous technologies and forging partnerships with foreign companies. Prime Minister’s emphasis on Aatmanirbharta in the Indian Defence sector will also be displayed, as the event will showcase the country’s progress in design leadership, growth in UAVs sector, Defence Space and futuristic technologies.
Aero India 2023 will witness participation by more than 80 countries.