PM-Modi-in-Lok SabhaPrime Minister Narendra Modi today asked the BJP Members of Parliament to campaign against black money in the country. Mr Modi said in the BJP Parliamentary party meeting in New Delhi this morning that there is a need to encourage people for adopting digital and cashless economy. Criticizing the opposition parties for their continued obstruction in Parliament over implementation of demonetisation, Mr Modi condemned the opposition for not allowing debate in both the Houses over the matter.

Addressing media after the meeting, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Ananth Kumar quoting the Prime Minister said, Mr Modi has thanked people of the country for their support for demonetization process. Mr Kumar said, BJP Parliamentary Party also passed a resolution hailing people for their support to demonetization. Another resolution was also passed to ensure smooth functioning of both the Houses.

Meanwhile, opposition parties met in Parliament and decided to continue with their demand of Prime Minister’s presence during debate on demonetization in the Rajya Sabha.