Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled a 108-feet statue of Lord Hanuman in Morbi, Gujarat via video conferencing on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti this morning. Greeting the devotees on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti, the Prime Minister said that dedication of the statue of Hanuman ji in Morbi is a happy occasion for the devotees all over the world. He expressed his deeply felt happiness on getting to be amidst devotees and spiritual leaders several times in the recent times.

The Prime Minister said that the project of establishing four such statues in the four corners of the country is a reflection of the resolve of ‘Ek Bharat-Shresth Bharat’. He explained that Lord  Hanuman unites everyone with his service spirit and everyone gets inspiration from him. He is symbol of strength that got forest-dwelling communities dignity and empowerment. Mr Modi said, Hanuman ji is a key thread of ‘EK Bharat-Shresth Bharat’ .

The Prime Minister elaborated, Ram Katha, that is organized all over the country in various localities and languages, binds everyone as one in devotion to the God. Mr Modi said, our faith and the stream of our culture is of harmony, equality and inclusion. This is best reflected in the fact that Lord Ram, despite being fully capable, harnessed everyone’s strength to complete his tasks. He said, Ram Katha is the best example of ‘Sabka Saath-Sabka Prayas’ and Hanuman ji is a key part of this.

Speaking in Gujarati, the Prime Minister remembered Keshvanand Bapu and his old connect with Morbi. He recalled the role of the Hanuman Dham in the wake of Machhu Dam accident. He said, lessons learnt during the accident helped during the Kutch earthquake also. He noted the resilience of Morbi as it is thriving centre of industries today. The Prime Minister said, if we look at brass from Jamnagar, engineering from Rajkot and clock industry of Morbi, it gives a feeling of ‘Mini Japan’.

The Prime Minister noted that Yatra Dham has made Kathiawar a hub of tourism. He talked about the Madhavpur Mela and Rann Utsav which provides immense benefits to Morbi. Mr Modi concluded by reiterating his request for enlisting the help of the devotees and Sant Samaj for the cleanliness drive and vocal for local campaign. The statured statue that was unveiled today is the second of the four statues being set up in the four directions across the country, as part of ‘Hanumanji 4 dham’ project. It has been set up in the west, at the Ashram of Param Pujya Bapu Keshvanand ji in Morbi. The first statue of the series was set up in the north in Shimla in 2010. Work on the statue in the south at Rameswaram has been started.