Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called for increased investment from South Korean Companies into India. Adressing the CEO forum in Seoul, PM underlined the potential of cooperation between South Korean expertise in hardware with software capabilities of India. He said government of India plans to build 50 million houses by 2022 as also build Smart Cities, industrial corridors and mega investment regions which provide immense investment opportunities for South Korean business and industry.
Modi also reiterated the commitment of his government to make its policies and governance conducive improving ease of business for foreign investment. The Prime Minister visited an Urban Renewable Project site Cheonggyecheon stream in in the heart of Seoul city. The stream and the site have been totally transformed from a neglected nullah to a popular tourist spot in the city. The Prime Minister appreciated the renovation work and said the site is an example of what vision and will can make possible. A large number of Indians also came to greet the Prime Minister at the site
In his last programme in Seoul today, Prime Minister Narendra Modi met a group of people under the banner Friends of India in South Korea. These people have been active in the fields of art and culture and other activities fostering closer people to people ties between South Korea and India. He called upon them to join International Day of Yoga on 21st June in South Korea to make it the largest Yoga celebration in South Korea.Prime Minister is scheduled to visit the Hyundai Heavy Industries Shipyard facility in Ulsan today. He arrived at the Gimhae airport, approximately 400 kilometers from Capital city Seoul a short while ago. After the visit, the Prime Minister will leave for New Delhi after concluding his three nation visit to China, Mongolia and South Korea.