Prime Minister Narendra Modi today left for Paris to attend the world conference on climate change. Before leaving for Paris, Mr Modi said India will deliberate on crucial issues relating to environmental and climate change. In a tweet, he said that at the conference known as COP21, the government will inaugurate Indian Pavilion which will showcase the country’s harmony with nature, environment and commitment to mitigate climate change.

The Prime Minister said he and French President Francois Hollande will jointly host a meeting of International Solar Alliance. He will also hold bilateral meetings with world leaders, including US President Barack Obama.

The aim of the climate change summit, which will start on Monday, is to reach a landmark global deal on limiting greenhouse gas emissions. This is the first time in the history of climate summits that 150 head of states and governments are attending the meeting to set the agenda. The climate summit is being organized in Le Bourget on the outskirts of Paris amidst tight and elaborate security in the backdrop of deadly 13/11 terror attacks on Paris in which 130 people were killed.

Mr Modi will address the summit in the plenary conference hall “Seine” on 30th November, 2015 at leaders event. Recognizing the importance of climate in common man’s life, Prime Minister today during Mann Ki Baat programme said that checking global warming is everyone’s responsibility. He said, climate change and global warming are issue of discussion and concern.

India’s 25 member delegation will focus on Mr Modi’s call for ” climate justice”. Referring to huge demands for electricity and growth of Indian economy by almost four times till 2030, India is not in position to accept any restriction on the use of coal based technology for electricity generation despite being the third largest carbon polluter. India, however, has set a target of 175 giga watt energy generation by renewable sources by 2022.

The summit will discuss the issue of low carbon emission by the developed and developing countries to avoid catastrophic and irreversible impact on weather including drought, heat waves forcing drought, fiercer storms and sea level rise. The summit expects a universal legally agreement by developed and developing countries by the end of the discussion. One of the contentious issues in the conference is the availability of carbon space till 2100 which can be utilized by both the emerging economy and developed economy.

The carbon space of 1000 giga tonne is only available till the end of the century. After attending the conference, Mr Modi will be back to the country on 1st December 2015.