Prime Minister Narendra Modi has emphasised that the double engine government at the Centre and State has focussed on the development of the backward regions by implementing projects that will improve the living standards of the people. He was speaking after inaugurating Narayanpur left bank canal with modern irrigation system at Yadgir in North Karnataka today. The project is implemented at a cost of 4699 crore rupees and will help irrigate over five lakh hectares in the backward regions of Yadgir, Raichur and Kalburgi.

The Prime Minister also laid the foundation stone for four other road and multi village drinking water projects worth 10,863 crore rupees. Mr Narendra Modi pointed out that the previous governments treated the backward regions as vote banks and worked only for votes, but since 2014 the government has stressed on reaching development of these regions through water, electricity and road connectivity. Through Jal Jeevan Mission the rural household tap water connectivity has increased from three crore households to 11 crore households in the country, out of 99 long pending irrigation projects in India, 50 have been completed.

Over 100 Aspirational districts that are backward in the country are given special impetus and incentives to grow. These projects, he pointed out, will help the industries to flourish, create employment opportunities as the investors will be eager to invest in these backward regions. Number of programmes are implemented for small farmers. The Government has increased procurement of agri crops at MSP, Nano urea is introduced, revenue generating activities through animal husbandry, fisheries and beekeeping introduced, provide equipment and drones for farming and introduced organic farming. After 75 years of India’s Independence, he stressed on the need to have a resolve to transform our Country into a developed nation in 25 years, considered as Amrith Kaal. He called upon every citizen and every state to join hands in this resolution.