Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Madhya Pradesh Start-up Policy through video conference on Friday. The Prime Minister also launched the Start-up Portal in the Start-up Conclave-2022 organized at the Brilliant Convention Centre in Indore.
The Prime Minister provided financial assistance to the youth who are benefiting from the Madhya Pradesh Start-up Policy through remote control. The Prime Minister interacted with the owners of some selected start-ups.
During the conference, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan released a collection of success stories of select start-ups.
Earlier, the exhibition of new trends and innovations was inaugurated by Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Omprakash Sakhlecha at the venue. The exhibition showcased the products based on innovation and entrepreneurship by new startups. In addition, the day-long conclave saw discussions going on in various sessions throughout the day.
MSME Secretary P. Narhari informed that the leaders of start-ups, educational institutions and start-up space interacted in the speed mentoring session of the conclave. In the funding session, start-ups and potential entrepreneurs interacted with various modes of funding in Tier-I and Tier-II cities.
In Pitching-session, start-up founders discussed opportunities for collaboration with startup investors and funding ideas. In the start-up’s ecosystem support session, participants learned about ways to increase brand value.