India has taken a lead in environmental protection. Mr Modi expressed confidence that people will join the campaign for liberation from the menace of single-use plastic on 2nd of next month.

The Prime Minister also called upon people to quit tobacco and not harbour misconceptions about e-cigarettes, to build a healthy India.

He said tobacco addiction tramples the dreams of families and wastes lives of children and this habit should not take root in the society.

He said people understand the dangers of common cigarettes but have misconceptions about e-cigarettes that they pose no danger. He added that e-cigarettes contain many harmful chemicals which have a rious effect on health.

The Prime Minister said younger generation is the country’s future and that is why the government banned e- cigarettes.

He said this new form of intoxication can destroy the demographically young country. Mr Modi said all addictions have to be avoided to realise the goal of Fit India.