Prime Minister Narendra Modi said technology can provide the information but the right approach can only be given by teachers. Addressing the 29th Biennial Education Conference of All India Primary Teachers’s Federation organized at Gandhinagar in Gujarat today, PM said that with changing times, the real challenge before teachers today is to satisfy the increasing curiosity of the children and keep themselves updated. PM said a teacher is the first person after parents with whom the child spends his most of the time. The sense of responsibility among teachers towards their students will lead to a strong future for the country.
Stressing the New Educational Policy, PM said the new policy focuses on Practical based Education and providing education in the mother tongue which will benefit the teachers in rural parts. Expressing concerns over the decreasing popularity of the teaching profession, PM called for a need to create a positive environment in society that will encourage students to become teachers. Mr Modi also underlined the importance of fitness and nutrition in schools and urged people to come forward in providing nutritious food to children. He also recalled good initiatives taken by a tribal teacher in Gujarat to nurture self-hygiene among students. To bridge the growing gap between schools and students, PM encouraged people to celebrate the birth anniversary of the schools.
The theme of this summit is ‘Teachers at the Heart of Transforming Education. More than 91 thousand teachers from various parts of India are attending the three-day convention.
Chief Minister of Gujarat Bhupendra Patel, Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairy Parshottam Rupala, , Union Minister of State for Women and Child Development Dr. Mahendra Munjapara, Health Minister of Gujarat Rushikesh Patel other dignitaries also present on the occasion. More than 91 thousand delegates from various parts of India, including Gujarat, will attend this three-day convention.