Staff Reporter

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called upon the people of the country to strive to further the momentum the field of sports has gained through the recent Olympics and contribute whatever they can to promote sports culture in the country.

He said, the nation must garner expertise in a variety of sports taking advantage of this opportunity.

In his Mann Ki Baat Programme on All India Radio today, Mr Modi said, sports competitions should be held everywhere including remote villages and other parts of the country as it is only through competition that sports shall evolve.

He added that this time, the Olympics has created a major impact on the mindset of the people and whatever India earned in Olympics may be lesser in comparison with the world, but enough has happened to boost the confidence and belief of Indians.

The Prime Minister said, today, it is not that the youth is just watching sports, they are also looking at possibilities of getting associated with it. He said, now sports has begun to be discussed in every family.

Stressing on the need to accord permanence to this momentum, the Prime Minister said, at home or elsewhere, in villages or cities, the playgrounds must be full of activities. He asserted that it is only through collective endeavour of all that India can attain glorious heights in Sports