Chidambaram said this while addressing the investiture ceremony of the Border Security Force, BSF here Saturday. He also asked the Central force, which has deployed about ten battalions for anti- naxal operations in Chhattisgarh and Orissa, to undertake intelligence based operations with minimum collateral damage and supplement its work through a number of civic action programmes for the population in these areas.

Meanwhile Chidambaram Saturday admitted that multiple errors in the list of terrorists hiding in Pakistan was “embarrassing” for the home ministry but said there was no need to apologise to the men who were mistakenly named as fugitives.

“Obviously, it embarrasses the ministry of home affairs,” Chidambaram told CNN-IBN’s Karan Thapar.

Last week, blunders came to light in India’s list of 50 Most Wanted men allegedly hiding in Pakistan that was given to Islamabad in March.

Two men on the list were found to be in India – one out on bail in Thane and another in a Mumbai jail.