Both the Houses of Parliament have been adjourned sine die. First the Lok Sabha was adjourned sine die and then after completing the scheduled business, the Rajya Sabha was adjourned sine die today. The monsoon session of Parliament began on 19th of July which was scheduled till 13th of August.

The Session that began on July 19 was marred by ruckus and uproar with Opposition members stalling proceedings in both the Houses demanding discussions on the Pegasus Project Report, farmers’ agitation and price rise.

Despite the uproar, the Lok Sabha could pass 19 Bills while the Rajya Sabha passed 21 Bills, mostly sans discussion, in the session originally scheduled to end on August 13

Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman Harivansh announced the adjournment of the Upper House after leader of the House Piyush Goyal’s speech. Goyal condemned the alleged ruckus by Opposition members in his speech. He demanded appointment of a special committee to probe the alleged hooliganism and punish those found guilty.

Speaker unhappy over inadequate functioning of Lok Sabha