Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh has said, more than 50 per cent population of the country lives in areas that are vulnerable to calamities like earthquakes, floods, cyclones, droughts and tsunami.
Speaking at the second meeting of the National platform for Disaster risk reduction in New Delhi today, Mr Singh said, India has robust institutional mechanisms in place to deal with natural calamities and compliance to disaster management codes is crucial.
The Minister said, the national platform was set up so that it can work effectively for disaster risk mitigation along with various stakeholders. Mr Singh said, India has become the first country to prepare a livestock disaster management plan for the safety of livestock during a disaster.
Speaking on the occasion, Minister of State for Home Kiren Rijiju said, India could not afford to ignore preparing for disasters as it was one of the most disaster-prone nations.
He also said, India has been taking the lead role in the entire efforts of disaster risk mitigation, especially in South Asia.
The meeting is being attended by officials of state and central governments and representatives of civil society across the countries.