Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik today reshuffled his Cabinet, inducting three senior MLAs Bikram Keshari Arukha, Sudam Marndi, and Sarada Nayak as ministers. Governor Prof. Ganeshi Lal administered the oath of office and secrecy at the swearing-in ceremony at Lok Seva Bhawan this morning.
Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik and his ministers, MPs, MLAs, senior government officials were present at the ceremony. While the portfolio of Finance has been assigned to Bikram Keshari, the chief minister allotted the Labour portfolio to Sarada Nayak and School and Mass education to Sudam Marndi.
With the induction of the three ministers, the number of ministers in the Odisha’s council of Ministers has gone up to 22. The trio had earlier served as ministers and this was their re-induction into the cabinet.
The Cabinet reshuffle has been necessitated following the resignation of the two ministers. Apart from that, one more position was lying vacant after the assassination of Health and Family Welfare Minister Naba Kishore Das in January.