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He said many people were still waiting for news of their loved ones.

Police here on Saturday confirmed that the suspect they arrested for terrorist attacks on Friday is a 32-year-old ethnic Norwegian and not a Muslim terrorist as reported by several media.It was unclear late Friday night whether he was acting alone, or had ties to a terrorist organization. Speculation was rising that he’s linked to right-wing extremists, not Islamic terrorists.

Justice Minister Knut Storberget confirmed that police were holding a suspect, charged with gunning down many members of the Labour Party’s youthorganization                  AUF                   (Arbeidernes ungdomsfylking) who were attending their annual youth summer camp on an island in the Tyri Fjord.

According to News and Views from Norway, neither Storberget nor police have revealed more details about the suspect. They would not identify him nor say whether he had a criminal record,

The website for newspaper VG identified him as Anders Behring Breivik, age 32,(in photo) a self-described nationalist with no criminal record who was opposed to Islam and to a multi-cultural society. VG and Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) reported that police were raiding the suspect’s home in west Oslo Friday night.

Police did say, though, that the suspect had been spotted in downtown Oslo just before a massive bomb exploded at 3:26pm local time on Friday, and they have linked him to that explosion as well as the massacre. They did not say how he was spotted, but there are numerous surveillance cameras around the government complex’s area where the bomb went off.

Sveinung Sponheim, acting chief of police Oslo, told reporters late Friday night that police still had no motive for either the bombing or the shootings at the summer camp on the island of Utøya. Sponheim said he was not sure how the man got from downtown to the island nor do they have a motive for the shootings. He said, however, that the suspect had indicated he was willing to undergo questioning by the police.

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