Prasar Bharti CEO Shashi Shekhar Vempati said that no radio station of All India Radio Network is being shut down or downgraded in the country. He said, efforts are being made to upgrade and modernize the services of All India Radio. He said focus has been laid on generating content in local and regional languages.
Interacting live with listeners at the Open House program on FM Rainbow Channel this evening, Mr. Vempati said, AIR has a responsibility for every strata of society and it has to meet regional and national needs. On a question about the Prime Minister’s address through Mann ki Baat, he said, this programme created awareness about the various social initiatives.
Responding to a query about live streaming of sporting events, he said, efforts are being made to broadcast various sporting events through All India Radio. Mr. Vempati also lauded the role of AIR and DD during the Covid pandemic saying that several innovative measures have been taken during the pandemic to create awareness among people.