The Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh has said that NIA has investigated more than 100 cases in six years or so and achieved the conviction rate of nearly 93 percent. He was speaking after laying foundation stone of NIA building at Lucknow today.
He said that we have effectively controlled the problems of terrorism, Maoism, insurgency and fake currency among other anti-national activities. The day is not far away when we will find a complete control over it, he said. He said that NIA as agency has earned a repute of being world-class investigation organization in only six years of its existence.
Referring to problem of radicalization among Youth, Mr. Singh said ISIS couldn’t be a threat to India due to deep social and traditional values, which binds people together. Praising the Indian Muslims for their disgust towards ISIS, Rajnath Singh said that parents themselves are concerned and make a check towards radicalization of their children.
MHA has sanctioned Rs.32.66 crore for this project scheduled to be completed within a timeframe of 18 months. The Branch Office of NIA at Lucknow is investigating the terrorism related cases of states of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh including Naxal attacks.