BJP leader and Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that the people of Uttar Pradesh want change and asked the people to rid the state of SCAM – S for Samajwadi (party), C for Congress, A for Akhilesh (Yadav) and M for Mayawati.
Addressing a poll rally in Aligarh today, He said that people have to choose between development agenda of BJP and those who give shelter to criminals, indulge in vote bank politics and encourage land and mining mafias. He alleged that as the corrupt have been hit hard with note-ban therefore they have ganged up to bring him down.
Mr Modi targeted the SP-Congress alliance, saying the two parties which abused each other till recently are now locked in an embrace to save themselves.
PM said BJP is fighting especially for the women, small businessmen and farmers who have been most hit in UP. He claimed that political parties have united against him because he has been tightening their screws.
On demonetisation, PM said that his government is fighting to use the money siezed due to demonetisation for the benefit of the youth. Talking about development in UP, he said that government doesn’t care about development.
Aligarh’s lock industry collapsed because the government sitting in Lucknow couldn’t provide sufficient electricity, he said.