modi-dussehraUnion tourism minister Mahesh Sharma Tuesday visited the sites of the proposed Ramayana museum ​at Ayodhya. Officials said 25 acres of land has been identified by the Union tourism ministry in the Paanch Kosi periphery of Ayodhya​ for the purpose. Another site was also visited by minister. ​

However, the opposition parties accused BJP of setting the project in motion just a few months before the Uttar Pradesh assembly polls ​purposefully for political gains. The tourism minister, meanwhile, defended the move​ by saying that the ministry of tourism​ had​ declared a program of spiritual circuits and theme-based circuits a year ago.

The Ramayana circuit was one, other than the Krishna and Buddha circuits​ and it has got nothing to do with the elections. It​ i​s a continuing process which was started about a year back, Sharma said.​ He said, officials from his ministry had visited the place near Ayodhya two months ago and that he was going there to finalise matters keeping in view all aspects.