The Maharashtra Navnirman Sena, led by Raj Thackeray has intensified its opposition to Karan Johar’s soon-to-be-released film ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’ as it features a Pakistani artists. It has issued a veiled threat of vandalism to the multiplexes if they screened it.
“We will oppose the screening of the movie everywhere in the state. If any multiplex operator dares to screen the film, they (operators) should remember that multiplexes are decorated with expensive glass sheets,” MNS leader Amey Khopkar said.
The opposition by MNS and some other political parties to films with actors from Pakistan in the aftermath of Uri terror attack has put a question mark on the fate of Johar’s film which features Pakistani actor Fawad Khan.
The party did not favour employing and cherishing the Pakistani actors, so its opposition to such films will continue, he said. “We will also oppose Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Raees’ though it is slated to release in January,” Khopkar said in a statement.
The party also pointed out that the Indian Motion Picture Producers’ Association has ‘supported’ its stand. The single-screen theatre operators have announced that they would not screen Johar’s upcoming film, but there was no similar assurance from the multiplex operators so MNS today made its stand clear, it said.
Meanwhile controversy over the film rage more with union minister joining the issue.
Union minister of State for Home Affairs Kiren Rijiju took potshot at filmmaker Anurag Kashyap, saying people use Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s name to get into news. In a tweet Mr Rijiju said, a new fashion has developed in India. A student or a film person can put a question or speak against Prime Minister without any logic to get into news.
In a series of tweets, Anurag Kashyap had said that why should only Indian filmmakers be targeted for casting Pakistani actors when the PM also made a trip to Lahore last year. The director had written to show support for Karan Johar’s upcoming movie Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. This film has landed in soup over casting Pakistani actor Fawad Khan.
In the aftermath of Uri attack last month, Maharashtra Navnirman Sena issued an ultimatum to Pakistani artistes to leave India. Subsequently, Indian Motion Pictures Producers Association passed a motion to ban the artistes from the neighbouring country.
Recently, Cinema Owners Exhibitors Association of India also decided to not screen the films with Pakistani actors in four states Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka and Goa.