India’s Manish Narwal won gold, while Singhraj Adhana took home silver in Mixed 50 metre Pistol event at the Tokyo Paralympics today. The 19-year-old Narwal shot a total of 218.2, a Paralympic record, to claim the gold while Adhana, who had won the bronze in the P1 men’s 10m air pistol event, added a silver to his kitty with an effort of 216.7. Shooter Manish Narwal clinched India’s third gold at the ongoing Paralympics while compatriot Singhraj Adana bagged the silver in the P4 Mixed 50m Pistol SH1 event in Tokyo today.
In Badminton, Krishna Nagar has entered the finals of the Men’s Singles SH6 event. In semi-finals, Nagar defeated Britain’s K. Coombs in straight sets 21-10, 21,11.
Suhas Yathiraj has also entered the finals of the Bandminton final in SL4 category. On the last day of the Paralypics tomorrow, Suhas Yathiraj will vie for Gold while Tarun will present his challenge for Bronze.
In Tokyo Paralympics, India has won total 15 medals so far which include, three Gold, seven Silver and five bronze medals.
President Ram Nath Kovind and Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu have congratulated paralympian Manish Narwal on winning Gold Medal and Singhraj Adhana for Silver Medal in the Tokyo Paralympics.
In a tweet, Mr Kovind said, Manish Narwal has done India proud by winning a shooting gold medal and making the tricolor fly high at the Paralympics. He said, Manish Narwal has shown immense talent and dedication at a very young age. The President also congratulated Singhraj Adana for his exceptional performances.
Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu said, Indian Paralympians continue to bring glory to the nation. He said, the entire country is proud and elated at their win.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has congratulated paralympian Manish Narwal on winning Gold medal and Singhraj Adhana for clinching silver medal in the Tokyo Paralympics.
In a series of tweets today, Mr Modi said, glory from the Tokyo Paralympics continues. Great accomplishment by the young and stupendously talented Manish Narwal. He said, winning the Gold medal is a special moment for Indian sports.
On winning another medal in the Tokyo Paralympics by Singhraj Adhana, the Prime Minister said, the outstanding Singhraj does it again. He said, India rejoices due to his feat.
Mr. Modi wished both the players for the future endeavours.
Sports Minister Anurag Thakur has congratulated paralympian Manish Narwal on winning Gold Medal and Singhraj Adhana for clinching Silver Medal in the Tokyo Paralympics. In a series of tweets today, Mr Thakur said, it’s raining medals for India at Tokyo Paralympics. He said, India struck Gold with fabulous victory of Manish Narwal and superb Singhraj created history by winning the Silver. He congratulated Manish Narwal for holding the world record in the mixed 50-metre pistol SH1 event. He also congratulated Singhraj for winning second medal at the games.