At press conference here he said that Congress had appointed Sachar Commission and later took steps for implementing its recommendations along with serving the weaker sections of the society. “ Party should be given another chance in Assam to form the government to maintain the continuity”.

Mahesh Bhatt is leading group of the Millat Bedari Muhim Committee [MBMC] of Aligarh to campaign in the state

Mahesh Bhatt pointed out that every political party or individual has some weak points but its finer side should not be over looked.  He said that Congress is the Only Political Party which has trust of all sections of the Indian Citizenary. He called upon local intelligentsia and masses to crush rising tide of communalism and separatism.

It should be noted that MBMC has extended its full support to the Congress and has declared to work to make it victorious in current assembly elections.

MBMC has said that Assam Pradesh Congress Committee has promised in its election manifesto to implement recommendations of Safiqul Haque Minority Commission. Further it has promised that the Assam Minorities Financial Corporation will be provided with more financial power and grants for minority development. MBMC has made it clear that the support is only on merit based.