Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of Maharashtra S. Chockalingam said today that more than 95 lakh voters will decide the fate of 97 candidates in the first phase of the voting in Maharashtra. Mr Chockalingam further said that 10 thousand 652 polling centres have been set up, with 21,527 ballot units, 13,963 control units, and 14,755 VVPAT machines available. In the first phase of the Lok Sabha general elections in Maharashtra, voting will take place on April 19 in the Ramtek, Nagpur, Bhandara-Gondiya, Gadchiroli-Chimur, and Chandrapur constituencies.
In the first phase, a total of 9,416 differently-abled voters and 6,630 senior citizens above 85 years are eligible to cast their votes and the election commission has made special arrangements for them.
Speaking at a press conference held at the Ministry, Mr Chockalingam mentioned that preparations for the first phase of the elections have been completed. Necessary literature and materials have been provided at polling centres to facilitate smooth voting, with trained polling staff and officers. Seven helicopters have been sent to the Gadchiroli constituency.
Speaking about security arrangements, Mr Chockalingam said that security arrangements have been made at polling centers. CRPF units have been deployed at sensitive polling centers. In the Gadchiroli-Chimur constituency, voting will take place from 7 AM to 3 PM.