Maharashtra DGP forms SIT to probe Buldhana minor rape case The Maharastra police on Thursday arrested 11 staff members of a government-aided ashram school in Pala village of Khamgaon area over the sexual assault of minor student.

The police said 10 officials, including the headmaster, teachers, a lab assistant and a cook knew that a sweeper at the school was assaulting the student over the past few months, but did not inform the authorities about it.

According to the Buldhana police, the victim revealed the repeated instances of assault to her mother when she visited her home in Jalgaon during the Diwali holidays.

The police have booked the accused for rape and abetment under sections of the Indian Penal Code and the POCSO. The accused will be produced in a local court on Friday.

Meanwhile, Maharashtra DGP formed an SIT to probe Buldhana minor rape case.