Parliament of IndiaThe Lok Sabha has passed one Bill and the Rajya Sabha cleared three Bills during the first two weeks of the. Parliamentary Affairs Ministry in a release said, both the Houses passed the Election Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2016 giving voting rights to the people who became Indian Citizens following the exchange of conclaves between India and Bangladesh. In addition, Rajya Sabha has passed two more Bills which were earlier passed by the Lok Sabha. The High Court and Supreme Court (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Amendment Bill, 2015 and the Carriage by Air (Amendment) Bill, 2015.

The Ministry said, both the Houses also discussed incidents happened in the Jawaharlal Nehru University and the Hyderabad Central University. Besides, the upper house also took up two calling attention motions on the breakdown of law and order in Delhi and the comments attributed to a Union Minister allegedly against minorities. While the Lok Sabah adopted a motion of thanks to the President for his address to both the Houses at a Joint Session.

The Ministry said, heavy financial and legislative agenda awaits the third week of Budget session of Parliament beginning from tuesday.

A total of 12 Bills are on the agenda of the government for the next week including seven in the Lok Sabha and five in the Rajya Sabha. Aadhar Bill, Whistle Blower Protection Bill, Child Labour Bill and time permitting Real Estate Bill proposed for next week.