The leadership crisis in Tamil Nadu’s principal opposition party AIADMK has grown further. The former minister and the supporter of the party co-coordinator Edappadi Palanisamy told reporters in Chennai that the dual leadership system in the AIADMK has expired.

He said the failure of the dual leadership system to get the approval of the General Council that met on the 23rd of this month in Chennai has made the system null and void. He said the proposal to reconvene the general council meeting on July 11th with the agenda of deciding on the unitary leadership question cannot be termed as illegal as the party bylaws allow the meeting if sufficient numbers of its members make such a demand.

The party is now having the dual leadership structure, with Mr O.Panneerselvam as the coordinator and Mr Edappadi Palaniswamy as the co-coordinator. The Palaniswamy camp prefers a strong, unitary leadership while the Panneerselvam faction insists that the present dual structure should continue.

Meanwhile, Mr Vaithilingam, the supporter of Mr Panneerselvam told reporters in Chennai yesterday, the news about his approaching the Election Commission on the leadership issue is false.