A Khel Mahotsav will be organized in Kota-Bundi parliamentary constituency of Rajasthan from 1 May 2023. This is the first time that Khel Mahotsav is being organized at the parliamentary constituency level. The poster for this event was released by Lok Sabha Speaker OM Birla, Union Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Anurag Thakur, and Rajya Sabha MP, eminent athlete, and President of the Indian Olympic Association PT Usha in New Delhi yesterday.

In this Khel Mahotsav Kabaddi, tennis, cricket, and tug-of-war competitions will be held. The first phase, it will be at the Gram Panchayat level, where men and women teams from different villages will participate. In the final round, winning teams will participate in Vidhansabha and Lok Sabha constituency-level competitions. The winning teams will be rewarded in a grand ceremony.