The ten days session of Karnataka legislature began today with Karnataka Governor Thaawar Chand Gehlot addressing the joint sitting of members of both legislative Assembly and the Council in Bengaluru today. In his first address after assuming the charge in July, the Governor appreciated the efforts made by the state Government in effectively combating the Covid pandemic.
He pointed out that the introduction of Covid war rooms in all the districts, tele-medicine, tracing and tracking and quarantine management by the health department helped contain the third wave.
On Vaccination drive, the Governor informed that 100 percent of the eligible population has received the first dose and 85 percent the second dose. Over six crore Covid tests were conducted in the state.
The state, he added, has made maximum use of 840 crore rupees sanctioned under emergency Covid Response Package II. After a gap of several years, the Governor was ushered into the state secretariat building Vidhana Soudha through the grand steps. The session will be held till February 25.