On Saturday special CBI court rejected her and Sharad Kumar, MD and CEO of Kalaignar TV bail, saying the offence was grave and the possibility of witnesses being influenced cannot be ruled out.

Kanimozhi’s lawyer Shanmugasundaram said the order of the plea would be challenged in the High Court.. Shanmugasundaram cited the remarks of the Judge appreciating the “dignified” conduct of Kanimozhi.

The court, meanwhile, deferred till Tuesday the orders on the bail plea of Asif Balwa and Rajiv Aggarwal, the directors of Kusegaon Fruits and Vegetables Ltd.

Balwa and Aggarwal are accused of playing key roles in the transfer of 200 crore rupees bribe to Kalaignar TV through various firms promoted by Shahid Usman Balwa.

On that day, the court will also pronounce its order on the bail of Shahid Balwa.

Meanwhile, terming Kanimozhi’s arrest as a vendetta against his party and family, DMK chief M Karunanidhi said his daughter’s only crime is being a shareholder of ‘Kalaignar TV’. He, however, expressed confidence that she will win the final war.

On the other hand Congress yesterday refrained from commenting on Mr Karunanidhi’s remarks that his daughter was arrested for no fault of hers. Party spokesperson Abhishek Singhvi told reporters that this is a judicial process on which Congress does not need to make any comment.