A court in Delhi today asked the city government to decide on the sanction to prosecute former JNU Students’ Union president Kanhaiya Kumar and others in a sedition case, within one month.

Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Manish Khurana said the delay in taking a decision on the matter has wasted judicial time as the case had been listed and adjourned repeatedly since the filing of the charge sheet.

The court passed the directions after the Delhi Police informed the court that the file regarding sanction is pending with the Home Department.

The court posted the matter for 25th October, by which the reports have to be filed.

On 14th January this year, the police had filed a charge sheet in the court against Kanhaiya Kumar and others, including former JNU students, Umar Khalid and Anirban Bhattacharya.

The police contended that they were leading a procession and supported seditious slogans raised on the campus during an event on February 9, 2016.