Tamil Nadu government has announced a seven-day State Mourning from today. During the period, the national flag on all government buildings will be flown at half-mast.
No official entertainment will also be held during this period, The government has also declared a three-day holiday for all educational institutions in the state. The neighbouring union territory of Puducherry has also announced a holiday for all government offices and educational institutions today as a mark of respect to Jayalalithaa.
Arrangements are in place at the MGR memorial where it will be the final resting place of Jayalalithaa. The police have been streamlining the swarming crowd with great difficulty. People living in districts are paying tributes to their departed leader and paying floral tributes in front of her portraits and photos. Ms .Jayalalithaa passed away due to a cardiac arrest last night at 11:30 pm.
The funeral of Jayalalithaa will be held at MGR Memorial in Marina beach area of Chennai.
The mortal remains of J Jayalalithaa have been lying in state at the Rajaji Hall where lakhs of people have been paying their last respects to the departed leader since early this morning. A steady stream of visitors ranging from VVIPs to many people who are just longing to get a glimpse of the leader.
A wave of humanity could be seen at the Rajaji Hall making everyone wonder whether they could really get to see their leader before the scheduled time for the last march by 4.30 pm today. People had managed to reach the destination Chennai unmindful of no public transport and other logistic support. The emotionally charged sympathisers including a large number of women could be seen wailing and trying to force their way through the barricades crying out to their favorite puratchi thalaivi.
She had scored a historic win in Tamil Nadu assembly elections about six months ago. A film actress Jayalalithaa had entered the politics in early 1980s under the guidance of her mentor MG Ramachandran. A five-time Chief Minister, Jayalalithaa pioneered a string of social sector schemes like ‘cradle to baby scheme’ aimed at fighting the curse of female foeticide. She also started public welfare schemes like Amma Canteens to provide low-priced food to the urban poor. Other similar pro-poor schemes launched by her included ‘Amma salt’ ‘Amma water’ and ‘Amma medicines’.