Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. (file)

Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. (file)


UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR),Volker Türk, voiced deep concern over the growing risk of spillover into the wider Middle East region, if the fighting continues.

He also emphasized that the crisis posed another global shock to the multilateral system “driving more polarization and creating deeper fractures, with terrible impact on the solutions that humanity so urgently needs.”

He recalled the resolution adopted by the General Assembly at its emergency special session on the crisis, which called for an immediate and sustained humanitarian truce leading to a cessation of hostilities, and the resolution adopted by the Security Council on Wednesday that called for urgent and extended humanitarian pauses and corridors throughout the Gaza Strip.

Mr. Türk underscored that these resolutions must not be ignored by Israel or Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip.

“There must be a ceasefire on humanitarian and human rights grounds, and an end to the fighting – not only to deliver urgently needed food and provide meaningful humanitarian assistance, but also to create space for a path out of this horror,” he stressed.

The UN rights chief also warned against rising hate speech and disinformation, which is fuelling dehumanization and thwarting the search for an enduring political solution.

“I am very concerned about the risk of further grave violations, even potentially amounting to atrocity crimes, in light of recent statements by some in leadership positions,” he said.