Iran has announced it will break a limit set on uranium enrichment, in breach of the landmark 2015 nuclear deal. Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi said Iran still wanted to salvage the deal but blamed European countries for failing to live up to their own commitments.

The US unilaterally withdrew from the agreement in 2018. It has since reimposed strict sanctions on Iran.

The Iranian announcement marks the latest breach of the accord. In May, Iran stepped up its production of enriched uranium, which can be used to make fuel for reactors but also for nuclear weapons.

The country has already stockpiled more enriched uranium than permitted under the terms of the deal.

The announcement comes a day after French President Emmanuel Macron spoke to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and expressed his strong concern about what would happen if the agreement was abandoned.

A statement from French President Office said the two leaders had agreed to explore by 15 July the conditions for the resumption of dialogue between all parties – beyond today’s deadline announced by Iran.

Under the deal, Iran is only permitted to produce low-enriched uranium, which can be used to produce fuel for nuclear power plants.

The deal also restricted Iran to stockpiling no more than 300kg of the low-enriched uranium.