The Indian Consulate in Dubai has taken up the plight of 41 sailors stranded in four vessels anchored at Ajman Port with the UAE authorities, including the port authorities at Ajman & Sharjah.

In a statement last evening, the Indian Consulate said that they had established contact with the Captain of two vessels who have confirmed to them that they have sufficient stock of fuel, water and food on board which can last for a couple of weeks. The crew has requested for pending salaries from their UAE sponsors and release from duty.

The Consulate also stated they had also spoken to the sponsor and sought his assistance for settlement of all issues with the crew on priority basis and hoped that an amicable solution involving cooperation of all parties will be forthcoming soon. The Consulate has assured that the concern of the Indian sailors will be kept in view while pursuing the matters with the concerned parties.

Earlier the stranded sailors in a tweet to EAM Sushma Swaraj had flagged their plight. The Indian Consulate said that they had taken note of the tweet and are responding to the crisis in the ‘best interest’ of the Indian sailors. According to reports 41 Indian sailors are stranded in four merchant ships – two of which are believed to be leaking and face at the risk of sinking – at Ajman anchorage after their owner “abandoned” them.