Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived here today on second leg of his visit abroad after taking over the reins of government for second time.

He was received at the airport by Sri Lankan Prime minister Ranil Wickremsinghe and other senior officials of the government.

In a tweet, the Prime Minister said, he is happy to be back in Sri Lanka, his third visit to the island nation in last four years. He said, India never forgets its friends when they are in need.

Prime minister went directly to St. Anthony church which was the target of Easter Sunday attacks and offered his condolences to the victims.

Mr Modi, In a tweet, said, he is confident that Sri Lanka will rise again and cowardly acts of terror cannot defeat the spirit of the island nation. He said, India stands in solidarity with the people of Sri Lanka.

Prime minister’s visit top St. Anthony’s church is important as he is the first foreign head of government to visit the Easter attack sites and express solidarity with the victims.

Modi has called for united stand against terrorism and offered its assistance to Sri Lanka in tackling the menace. Mr. Modi got a ceremonial reception followed by a meeting with Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena.

All cabinet ministers and governors were part of the luncheon meeting. Hundreds of resident Indians have gathered at India house to greet their beloved PM.

There were no formal signing of agreements as it is election year in Sri Lanka but several issues including economic cooperation and maritime security came up for discussions during meetings.

Mr. Modi is the first head of government to visit Sri Lanka after Easter which killed 258 people including 45 foreigners. Prime Minister’s visit is mainly aimed at expressing solidarity with victims of Easter Sunday attacks and to reaffirm his Neighborhood first policy.

Tight security measures are in place in capital Colombo and special traffic plan have been implemented to ensure ease of movement.