Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh has said that the India would not spare any efforts to ensure a fair justice to the former Indian Navy officer, Kulbhushan Jadav, who is languishing in a Pakistani jail after being given the death sentence by a Pakistani Military Court for alleged spying.
Mr Singh said India has always been in favour of cessation of all hostilities with Pakistan, but if there is any attack from the other side, India would give a befitting reply.
He said Indian security forces would never compromise on matters of national security.
The Union Home Minister said maintenance of Law and order is the biggest challenge for any state in the country.
He said there is no room for political clashes, skirmishes or violence under good governance.
He said, in such matters, Centre is ready to help any state if requested. Mr. Singh said, it is the job of the respective state governments to provide security to all communities during the observance of their religious rituals and functions.
Talking about the Sarada and the Narda scams, the Home Minister said, that the law will take its own course and that the Central Government will not interfere in these matters.
In reply to a question, Mr. Singh disapproved the declaring of a bounty on the West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s head, by a BJP youth leader from Uttar Pradesh.
Row over Kulbhushan Jadhav: India cancels maritime talks with Pakistan
India has called off maritime security dialogue with Pakistan, scheduled for early next week, amid tensions over death sentence being awarded to Kulbhushan Jadhav on charges of spying.
A delegation led by Pakistan’s Maritime Security Agency was to visit New Delhi from tomorrow to discuss issues related to fishermen and search and rescue operations. Coast Guard sources said, the Ministry of Defence has not given clearance for the delegation’s visit.
The development comes amid tension between the two countries over Jadhav, a former Indian naval officer, being awarded death sentence by a Pakistani military court. India has said if Jadhav were to be executed, it will be considered as a premeditated murder.